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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Mihanović-Salopek, Hrvojka
Naslov:Osobitosti hrvatskoga glazbenog baroka na području hrvatske himnodije i orguljaške glazbe
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 295-301
Sažetak:In the domain of Coratiaan hymnody, which includes a collection of religious lyrical texts (translations of hymns and sacred songs) sung with the official permission fo the church hierarchy at liturgical services, an interesting contribution was made in Slavonia in the late Baroque period in hte 18th century. The activity of Antun Kanižlić was of crucial importance in hymnody (in the hymn books 'Bogoljubnost molitvena', 'Utočište Blaženoj Divici Mariji ugodno i prijetno'. 'Mala i svakompotrebna Bogoslovica'). Also of crucial importance was the work of Juraj Mulih (in the hymn books 'Bogoljubne pisme', 'Pobožne i navučene popevke', 'Duhovne peszme', 'Duhovne jačke', 'Nebeska hrana'). Certain stylistic features of the Baroque in Croatia can be traced through certain comparative stylistic figures and types of ormanentation in the domains of literature and music, especially organ music. Studying the laws of Baroque expression, Dr. Zoran Kravar has established that there was a tendendy for Maroque poets to transform proportinally all the content of a text as s whole using elements of figuration. The same featrue of this period applies to music, so that the abundant and frequent figuration and ornamentation of tones within the composition as a whole cease to act as phenomena of individual wonder becoming instead a constant feature and the point of the whole musical structure of the composition.
Ključne riječi:glazbeni barok - Hrvatska
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(glazbeni barok - Hrvatska )
